
Captured heavy french panzer tank Char B1. France 1940

Captured heavy french panzer tank Char B1 France 1940 camo camouflage tarn tarnung heart symbol red spade symbol vehicle of the 1st platoon of a 3rd company DJIBOUT I No 291 28 e BCC 3 e company Assigned to the 1st Battalion of the 510th RCC in Châlons sur Marne Poured to 28th BCC on 26 August 1939 Crew Head of tank Lieutenant Jacques Gay Pilot Master Corporal Gustave Glassan Pilot aide Hunter Georges Thouret Radio Chasseur Camille Pachere
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Published: 11/08/2024 Rating:
Category: ( France ), Europe West, 1. Location - Town - Cities Viewed: 136 Downloads: 0 Model release: NoProperty release: No


Captured heavy french panzer tank Char B1. France 1940

ID : 14453
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Captured heavy french panzer tank Char B1. France 1940
red spade symbol, vehicle of the 1st platoon of a 3rd company

DJIBOUTI No 291 28 e BCC 3 e company
Assigned to the 1st Battalion of the 510th RCC in Châlons sur Marne. Poured to 28th BCC on 26 August 1939.

Crew: Head of tank: Lieutenant Jacques Gay.
Pilot: Master Corporal Gustave Glassant.
Pilot aide: Hunter Georges Thouret.
Radio: Chasseur Camille Pachere.