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battleship Admiral Hipper in Kiel, Germany 1939 German Training centre for Russian Cossack POA volunteers in German service, Smolensk Russia 1942. Legionslager, Wehrmacht soldier Radio operator FUNK portrait scarf M42 / M43 Field Cap Russia 1943 WW2 Color Norway German supply ships harbour cargo cranes petrol flag 1940 WW2 color Luftwaffe Field Division 2nd Lufllotte tropical uniform caps ribbon bar Volcano Mount Etna Sicily 1942 Captured German Radar System Wurzburg. US Army testing facility for captured German equipment D.C. USA 1944 Heinkel He 59 - Reconnaissance / Attack Floatplane Aircraft Luftwaffe, Tripoli harbour in Libya, 1942. Rudolf Hess, Deputy to Hitler until 1941. NUREMBERG TRIALS 1946 French WW2 Fascist Propaganda Poster on wall in Paris 1943. WW2 german officers pushing staff car outside Villa Holland 1940 summer Captured French Char B1 in Le Cuttle, Gouy France 1940. 14th Panzer Division, schutzen regiment 103. WW2 color Russia 1943 winter camo helmet supply ammo jacket 207 Infantry Division Major Scheer Afrika-Korp camo Horch 901 Kubelwagen. Tripoli February 1941. 2. Panzer Nachrichten Abt. 200 mountain troopers marching with gas masks in Landeck, Austria 1941 schwere Flak-Abteilung 390, 88mm flak, Luftgau XVII,Bremen-Vegesack, 1943, 8. Flak-Division, Luftwaffe with halftrack. Crashed Polikarpow I-16  near Riwne, Ukraine 1941 A Germany army anti-aircraft FLAK unit securing a make-shift pontoon bridge over the river Donau. Kalach-na-Donu 1942 Mercedes-Benz Lo 3750 Bus, Russian front, 1942, Charkow, Stuck in the Mud, 3rd Panzer Division Motorbike messengers rest on dusty road, Russia 1941 German Luftwaffe FLAK officers with wehrmacht officer in Russia 1941