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BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK:  Frauenbilder der NS-Zeit: Farbfotografien von 1937 bis 1945 BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK:  Leipzig in Farbe - Original colour photos from the Germany city of Leipzig BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Rommels Afrika Korps in Colour: Rare German Photographs from the Second World War BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Life and Death on the Eastern Front: Rare Colour Photographs from the WW2 Hardcover German army soldier picking berries in the forest of Lappland  1942 Bombed houses and shops on Burg Strasse in Leipzig 1945. Showing the Thomaskirche in background. Train tracks. The Alte Rathaus in Markt Leipzig 1945. Children climbing on the Kaiser Siegesdenkmal and watching a circus performance American built Ford GPA Amphibious Seeps Jeep car 485BG. Stationed in Normandy France 1944 after D-Day invasion Horse drawn wagon with fresh Schultheiss Bier from Berlin. Halle Saale Germany 1939. Goldene Sieben Shop Young German women drying her freshly washed cloths in the backyard of her apartment in Halle Saale Germany 1939 Local German bus drives through Halle Saale Germany 1939. Goldene Sieben Shop St. Bartholomews Church, Berchtesgaden Konigssee Bayern Bavaria Germany 1943 German famous Castle Neuschwanstein. Schwangau Bavaria Bayern Germany 1943. Kind Ludwig II of Bavaria Two young German women in colorful Dirndl dress and summer dress. Lake Park in Leipzig Germany. Summer 1940 Happy German Kriegsmarine matrosen sailor stationed in Flensburg in northern Germany 1941 2 knocked out and burned German army Panzer 4 tanks. Opel Olympia staff car. Russia summer 1942. 297 Infantry. German army soldier wearing dog tags washing his feet with red soap on a water horse wagon. Russia summer 1941 September Young German lady standing with red hand bag in front of Schloss Moritzburg Saxony Germany 1942 American army soldier engineer standing on his bulldozer digging out a new airfield run way on Hawaii Island 1941 Young local women in traditional hula costumes at a beach bar in Hawaii Island September 1941