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German Fallschirmjager Paratrooper in uniform with Luftwaffe Parachutist Badge. Visiting family in Neuotting Germany 1941 American infantry collecting on the beaches of Omaha Normandy D-Day plus 4 1944 Train station Berlin Friedrichsstrasse, Germany 1938 3rd Panzer Division Panzer 3 Tanks crossing makeshift pontoon war bridge, Beresina River, August 1941 German soldies eating ice cream in Rome, January 22, 1944, Day of Anzio Invasion, VW Kubelwagen 82. 26th Panzer Divisions German Submarine Captain Engelbert Endrass Knights Cross Winner visiting family in Germany Summer 1941. Blown up German train on its side. Under new Bridge transporting American GIs into Worms Germany 1945 American soldiers eating lunch in main train station in Worms Germany 1945 American GI soldiers resting beside Luther Monument  in Worms Germany 1945 Lutherdenkmal German children collecting rubbish from American truck. Worms Germany 1945 American civilians inspecting a German V2 long-range guided ballistic missile in Washington DC. USA 1946. Nuremberg Trials 1945, Head Nazis being tried for War Crimes. Palace of Justice, Nuremberg. schwere Flak-Abteilung 390, 88mm flak, Luftgau XVII,Bremen-Vegesack, 1943, 8. Flak-Division, Luftwaffe setup on base. Family visiting a visually impaired relative. Women wears the yellow arm band for visually impaired. Munich Area 1940 Captured German Radar System Wurzburg. US Army testing facility for captured German equipment D.C. USA 1944 Steam Locomotive transporting cargo in the Train Station Bahnhof Marburg/Lahn. 1940 German army General getting into his Horch 380 BL Limousine. Vienna Austria winter 1939 Gasthaus zur Weidelsburg. 34466 Wolfhagen. Owner Peter Schwedes. 1939 A German chemist transporting his private car on a small KDF ship in harbor in Yugoslavia 1939 Captured German V-1 flying bomb 7 buzz bomb in an US Army facility for testing captured German equipment 1945.