staff officers
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German army officers in Opel Staff car. Austellungsplatz. Camp. Russia 1942.  297 Infantry Division German army officers in Opel Staff car. Austellungsplatz. Camp. Russia 1942.  297 Infantry Division German army staff car belonging to the 4th Panzer Division. Dusseldorf Germany 1940. Deich Strasse Russian farmers unloading a bed from a german army officers staff car. Russian front summer 1941. US officers with Sedan Ford Light 1941 Model Staff Car, Soldiers Field, US Army captured Nuremberg Rally field 1945. German army officers surrender to men of the 101st Cavalry Regiment in Ruhpolding Bavaria 1945. German officers with staff car inspect area in La Rochelle Harbour, France 1940. 4th Panzer Division. Luftwaffe airbase staff quarters construction, Brandis Polenz air base 1940, Officers construct timber roof. Hungarian officer talking to german Wehrmacht officers, Hungary 1943 WW2 color 1942 wehrmacht officers captured american staff car belgium 1940 train station 207 Infantry Division german wehrmacht with dutch officers staff car villa holland 1940 WW2 german officers pushing staff car outside Villa Holland 1940 summer german officers push wehrmacht staff car infront of dutch villa holland 1940 German officers with dutch officers Holland 1940 staff car Dutch officer inspecting staff car captured geman officers 1940 Dutch officer repairs staff car infront of german staff officers Holland 1940 WW2 color Luftwaffe Field Division 2nd Lufllotte tropical luftwaffe staff officers tent zeltbahn sicily 1943 WW2 color Luftwaffe Field Division 2nd Lufllotte Belgium 1941 Staff officers chateau Luftwaffe staff in Smolensk, Russia 1941 luftwaffe staff officers sicily 1942