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BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK:  Frauenbilder der NS-Zeit: Farbfotografien von 1937 bis 1945 BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK:  Leipzig in Farbe - Original colour photos from the Germany city of Leipzig BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Rommels Afrika Korps in Colour: Rare German Photographs from the Second World War BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Life and Death on the Eastern Front: Rare Colour Photographs from the WW2 Hardcover Local Russian farmers preparing warm soup over  an open fire  for their village on the outskirts of Smolensk Russia 1942 Young man Ian Miller standing with his friends in traditional Scottish kilt near Edinburgh Scotland. War time 1944 Heisse Maronen or Roasted Chestnuts seller in a snow storm in front of the Ferdinand Pluder Fashion Mode Shop. Austria 1939 Locomotive train driver of the Deutsche Reichsbahn No. 911780 from Rbd Hannover Gt 34.15 Dresden Hauptbahnhof 1942 Well dressed German women standing in front of the entrance to Schloss Palace Karlsruhe Germany 1939 Austrian family going on weekend road trip in their 1936 Steyr Typ 50 in front of the Guest house . Austria 1939 Mercedes Benz 770 K Limousine 1937. Local Politicians staff car. Austria 1939 Klagenfurt am Worthersee Fresh German army Wehrmacht privates in front of the Kaserne. Later members of the 8. Panzer Division. Germany 1939 Austrian farmer man and wife riding horses in deep winter snow. In traditional rural costume. Austria winter 1939 Wehrmacht music band assemble for Hitlers Birthday military parade beside Haus Der Deutsche Kunst Munich April 20 1939 Austrian farmers getting ready to board a red Deutsche Reichspost bus. Austrian village 1939 Klagenfurt am Worthersee German 1934 Leica III camera with Elmar 5cm F3,5 lense. Original leather bag and Leica red box. German 1934 Leica III camera with Elmar 5cm F3,5 lense. Original leather bag and Leica red box. German 1934 Leica III camera with Elmar 5cm F3,5 lense. Original leather bag and Leica red box. German 1934 Leica III camera with Elmar 5cm F3,5 lense. Original leather bag and Leica red box. German 1934 Leica III camera with Elmar 5cm F3,5 lense. Original leather bag and Leica red box.