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German Wehrmacht training with PAK 7.5cm leichtes Infanteriegeschutz 18 cannon gun. 1939.  14th infantry division German PAK 3.7 cm PaK 36 Artillery crew with AdLer kubel near Rzhev Russia Winter 1942. 6th Infantry Division. German Marder 3 Panzer in La Goulette, Tunisia 1942 Panzer  Marder II,  with 7.5 cm Pak 40 gun, Don, Tschir, 1943, 22nd Panzer Division, 204th Panzer Regiment, white camo. Destroyed Panzer Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf F.  3.Coy/I Abt/ Pz.Rgt 35. Stary Bychow on the Dniepr on 4/7/1941 4th Mountain Division Enzian, Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment 94, Eugen Kaserne, Lohengrin Kaserne Innsbruck, 1940, Luftwaffe Half-Track tows 88mm flak cannon pass Goldene Sieben Shop in Halle Salle Germany 1939 Luftwaffe Flak unit with 2-cm-Flak 38 cannon on board a troop ship sailing on the Mediterranean Sea to Libya 1941 German PAK 38 Artillery crew with AdLer kubel near Rzhev Russia February 1942. 6th Infantry Division. Captured Char B1  French heavy tank DROUOT with a camouflage FCM 36 Char leger Modele 1936 light infantry Tank. No.30036 German artillery crew with Krim Shields pose beside blown up 10.5 cm leFH 18 Howitzer in Sevastopol 1942 German Heavy Artillery 15 cm sFH 18 near Avelgem Belgium 19.5.1940. Artillerie Regiment 50 German Sd.Kfz. 7 8t Half-Track with 15 cm sFH 18 Howitzer. Kaserne Leipzig. Artillerie Regiment 50. 1939 German PAK 38 Artillery crew with AdLer kubel near Rzhev Russia February 1942. 6th Infantry Division. German 88mm Flak cannon mounted on Half-track. Destroyed by friendly fire. Stuka attack. Chemery-sur-Bar France 1940 American GI soldier standing beside captured German 15 cm sIG 33 Howitzer. Army barracks. Homburg Germany 1945 German soldiers pushing a 15cm Artillery cannon over the General Pfeffer Bridge. Medwedowka. Tscherkassy 1941
Knocked Out German Panzer 4 Ausf H, 100th US Infantry Division, near Stuttgart April 1945 German Luftwaffe Half Track Sd. Kfz. 7/2 3.7cm Flak 36 attacking Russian army position, near Stalingrad 1942 Captured Canadian Ford CMP 15 CW Truck as command car for german army unit in Russia 1942.