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Results (437)

guardsman with rifle, Latvia 1943 man and woman with party badge in Thüringen, Germany 1940 WW2 color Russia 1942 Peasant women with captured russian Maxim machine gun snow 207 Infantry Division infantry unit with bikes horses france evening march 1940 german wehrmacht with dutch officers staff car villa holland 1940 German officers with dutch officers Holland 1940 staff car man with white jacket in Salzburg, Austria 1940 Conversation with PAK artillery officers westwall 1939 bunker car field police officer with his troops resting in forest 1939 russian pow with maschine gun and ammo Wehrmacht soldiers with motorbike in Niederaußem, Germany 1940 staff car with unit dog pet in french garden 1940 Munich, Germany, 1940. Son of wehrmacht soldier plays with dads army uniform in Munich apartment. Soldier with his son in Leipzig, Germany 1940 Wehrmacht soldier with pigs in Niederaußem, Germany 1940 Wehrmacht soldier with helmet in Niederaußem, Germany 1940 Wehrmacht soldier with car in Niederaußem, Germany 1940 Wehrmacht soldiers with motorbike in Niederaußem, Germany 1940 2013E001 RAD man with yellow arm band cutting soldiers hair barracks 1939 German Luftwaffe Ground Crew summer 1941 airbase, Yellow scarf, portrait.