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German Knights Cross RKT winner Ulrich Dinkelaker visiting family in Alt Otting Bavaria 1943 after losing leg in Russian front Young German army soldiers wearing OST red ribbon and new awarded iron cross with combat badge. Russia 1942 German soldier dreaming in field with handful of beautiful flowers. Russian front 1943. Iron cross Ribbon German Infantry Wehrmacht officer standing beside old castle in Lindau Germany 1944 Young Austrian artillery soldier getting leave and visiting his wife and little son. Austria 1944 WW2 color Frankfurt Germany 1940 Cavalry officer iron cross ribbon German War Merit Cross (KvK) child play daddy parent family The Famous American War Photographer Lt. Joseph (Joe) M. Zinni returning to the US after the war 1946. little girl with a ball in Germany 1938 German PAK 38 Artillery crew with AdLer kubel near Rzhev Russia February 1942. 6th Infantry Division. Old German soldier with Moustache visiting his granddaughter in Landshut Bavaria 1942 German PAK 38 Artillery crew with AdLer kubel near Rzhev Russia February 1942. 6th Infantry Division. 3 German soldiers from the same family in Neuotting Bavaria Germany 1942 German army officer of Grenadier Ersatz Bataillon 488 ( Lindau ) on leave in Venice, Italy 1943. German soldiers resting in Luitpold Kaserne Lindau Germany 1940. Infanterie Regiment 488. German army officer of Grenadier Ersatz Bataillon 488 ( Lindau ) on leave in Venice, Italy 1943. German Luftwaffe motorbike messenger rests with soldiers beside open fire, Russia 1942. Surrendered German soldiers reading American Allied General Orders on wall in Kossen Austria 1945 Luftwaffe flak officer with Krim Shield of the Leichte Flak Abteilung 99 (mot) in Rome Italy 1944 with staff car. Luftwaffe flak officer with Krim Shield of the Leichte Flak Abteilung 99 (mot) in Rome Italy 1944 with staff car. Luftwaffe flak officer of the Leichte Flak Abteilung 99 (mot) in Rome Italy 1944 with staff car.