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Théâtre national de Chaillot in Paris, France 1937 Eiffel Tower in Paris, France 1937 Eiffel Tower in Paris, France 1937 Eiffel Tower in Paris, France 1937 Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris, France 1937 arc de triumph in Paris, France 1937 Eiffel Tower in Paris, France 1937 railroad along the Rue Marie Georges Picquart in Paris, France 1937 arc de triumph in Paris, France 1937 Spa park in Baden, Austria 1937 Beethoventempel in Baden, Austria 1937 Lanner and Strauss memorial in Baden, Austria 1937 Spa park in Baden, Austria 1937 Spa park in Baden, Austria 1937 fountain in Baden, Austria 1937 Complete Russian T34 Tank Unit sunk in River. Dubno Ukraine. Battle of Brodny 1941. German 9. Infantry Division Complete Russian T34 Tank Unit sunk in River. Dubno Ukraine. Battle of Brodny 1941. German 9. Infantry Division Complete Russian T34 Tank Unit sunk in River. Dubno Ukraine. Battle of Brodny 1941. German 9. Infantry Division German Cargo Ship in Bordeaux Harbour France 1940. camouflage paint. Tarnung Russian farmer pulling German 3.7cm PaK cannon through Mud, September 1941. Poltava, Donez, Ukraine.