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Destroyed captured by Germans, British armored car Morris Commercial C8 FAT in battlefield Greece 1942. welcoming of the Wehrmacht in Bozen, Italy, 1940 German army medical ambulance red cross captured British bedford trucks Greece coast 1942 motorbike sidecar. Southern hall of the technical fair in Vienna, Austria 1943 Burgermeister Mayor of Leoben Austria, Standartenfuhrer Anton Wolfbauer LEFT Hitler Himmler Train visit 1938 Hitler Himmler train Leoben Austria 1938 visiting mines heavy industry ss bodyguard SS parade in Leoben, Austria 1938 Leoben Austria 1938 Construction site workers factory industry mine Hitler Himmler train visit Hitler Himmler train visit to Leoben Austria 1938 visiting mines and local industry, SS body guard fuhrer train. German army victory parade music band Champs Élysées Paris 1940 staff car march. German Luftwaffe Flak AA Parade Inspection near Paris France 1940 anti aircraft german FLAK soldiers near Paris France 1940 inspecting destroyed captured belgian T13 Tank panzer Paris france 1940 luftwaffe flak unit officers soldiers visit UNKNOWN SOLDIER memorial German flak soldiers steps of Church Cathedral Sacre Coeur Paris France 1940 tourists. Arc de Triomphe Paris France 1940 German occupation soldiers Wehrmacht military parade march German Flak soldiers truck lorry snow winter Paris France 1940 camera kamera lazy stretching funny humour FLAK luftwaffe soldiers at the Rue de la Cité in Paris, France 1940 German flak soldiers steps of Church Cathedral Sacre Coeur Paris France 1940 tourists. German flak soldiers steps of Church Cathedral Sacre Coeur Paris France 1940 tourists. german FLAK soldiers near Paris France 1940 inspecting destroyed captured belgian T13 Tank panzer