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Kriegsmarine cruise along the french Atlantic coast 1941 Kriegsmarine cruise along the french Atlantic coast 1941 street Marienburg, Germany 1941 destroyed buildings in Krakow, Poland 1940 destroyed buildings in Krakow, Poland 1940 Krakow Krakau Poland 1940 Destroyed City Bomb Damage, Ruins Tegetthoff Denkmal Monument from Carl Kundmann, Vienna, Austria 1941 Parliament Building in Vienna, Austria 1942 Food Market St. Mary_qt_s Basilica, Kraków Krakow Poland 1939 tram, strassenbahn battleship Admiral Hipper in Kiel, Germany 1939 Dzhambaz Tepe hill in Plowdiw, Bulgaria 1942 Karlsplatz and Karlskirche in Vienna, Austria 1939 Karlsplatz and Karlskirche in Vienna, Austria 1939 paddle steamer on the river Elbe in Decín, Czechoslovakia 1940 Parliament building in Athens, Greece ~1940 Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France 1940 Champs-Élysées / Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France 1940 Notre Dame in Paris, France 1940 Place de la Concorde / Luxor Obelisk in Paris, France 1940 Hôtel de Crillon / Navy Department at the Place de la Concorde in Paris, France 1940