Horse drawn wagon with fresh Schultheiss Bier from Berlin. Halle Saale Germany 1939. Goldene Sieben Shop
German army soldier wearing dog tags washing his feet with red soap on a water horse wagon. Russia summer 1941 September
297 Infantry Division. Stalingrad
German army Stoewer Typ 40 Kfz.1 Jeep parked outside of Smolensk Russia September 1941
German soldier giving a lift to a captured Russia POW soldier in Panje horse wagon. 297 Infantry Division. Stalingrad Russia 1942
American army artillery unit training in California 1942.
US ARMY 1940 Dodge VF-401 Power Wagon.
Stoewer Typ 40 Kfz.1 Jeeps in Blitzkrieg in France 1940.
26th Panzer Divisions Nachrichten Abteilung
German army messenger Kradmelder on his BMW motorbike in Dunkirk France 1940 57th Infanterie Div Grenadier Regiment 199
German soldier sleeping beside army Opel truck. Painting road traffic signs. Russia 1942. A-66307
Romanian army retreating from Russian front line. Horse wagon and camouflage trucks flood dirt road. Russia 1944
Russian military translator with white Wehrmacht Dienst arm band helping translating between soldier and Russian farmer.
297 Infantry Division. Russia 1942.
8mm home movie, France 1944, American GI soldier driving captured German Volkswagen Schwimmwagen Jeep.
PLEASE NOTE !! this is a digital photo taken from a very small rare private color 8mm home movie within our archive.
We do our best to capture the best possible image from these films but cannot guarantee a comparable quality to, ie 35mm slide.
8mm home movie, France 1944, American GI soldier driving captured German Volkswagen Schwimmwagen Jeep.
PLEASE NOTE !! this is a digital photo taken from a very small rare private color 8mm home movie within our archive.
We do our best to capture the best possible image from these films but cannot guarantee a comparable quality to, ie 35mm slide.
8mm home movie, France 1944, American GI soldier driving captured German Volkswagen Schwimmwagen Jeep.
PLEASE NOTE !! this is a digital photo taken from a very small rare private color 8mm home movie within our archive. We do our best to capture the best possible image from these films but cannot guarantee a comparable quality to, ie 35mm slide.
Asian Russian soldier working for Germans, Horse wagon, Kursk, Pervomaysky Park, Russia 1942, 3rd Panzer Division,
Kursk/ Russland
Pferdegespann vor dem Pervomaysky Park
3rd Panzer Division, 75th Panzer Artillery Reg,
Hiwi (volunteer)
Tunisian Volunteers Parade for Erwin Rommel in Tunisia 1943. Freiwilligenbataillon Tunesien.
Vienna Austria 1939. Main Street with UFA Cinema showing the film Kongo Express
A German displaced family moving their last possessions with a wooden wagon. Mother and daughter pull. Silesia 1945
Blown up German Reichsbahn railway wagon beside Bremerhaven harbour. Germany 1945
German soldiers resting beside horse drawn wagon in French orchard 1940