soldiers resting
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American GI soldiers resting beside Luther Monument  in Worms Germany 1945 Lutherdenkmal
American GI soldiers resting beside Luther Monument in Worms Germany 1945 Lutherdenkmal

American GI soldiers resting beside Luther Monument in Worms Germany 1945 Lutherdenkmal

German soldiers resting beside horse drawn wagon in French orchard 1940
German soldiers resting beside horse drawn wagon in French orchard 1940

German soldiers resting beside horse drawn wagon in French orchard 1940

German air force soldiers resting on beach in Swinemunde Kurkaus 1940
German air force soldiers resting on beach in Swinemunde Kurkaus 1940

German air force soldiers resting on beach in Swinemunde Kurkaus 1940

German soldiers resting in Luitpold Kaserne Lindau Germany 1940. Infanterie Regiment 488.
German soldiers resting in Luitpold Kaserne Lindau Germany 1940. Infanterie Regiment 488.

German soldiers resting in Luitpold Kaserne Lindau Germany 1940. Infanterie Regiment 488.

soldiers of the  14th Panzer Division resting beside road, Russia 1941
soldiers of the 14th Panzer Division resting beside road, Russia 1941

soldiers of the 14th Panzer Division resting beside road, Russia 1941
BMW R75 Motorbike with sidecar, 3.7cm PaK cannon

Wehrmacht soldiers of the Sicherungsbataillon 738 in Kokorewka, Russia 1944
Wehrmacht soldiers of the Sicherungsbataillon 738 in Kokorewka, Russia 1944

Wehrmacht soldiers of the first platoon of Sicherungsbataillon 738 in Kokorewka, Russia 1944