Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942
FAR LEFT. Generalleutnant Major General RKT Werner Huhner with Deutsches Kreuz in Gold.
Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942
Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942
FAR LEFT. Generalleutnant Major General RKT Werner Huhner with Deutsches Kreuz in Gold.
German Knights Cross RKT winner Ulrich Dinkelaker visiting family in Alt Otting Bavaria 1943 after losing leg in Russian front
Generaloberst Adolf Strauss and Generaloberst Richard Ruoff inspecting Infantry and Artillery officers. Ukraine 1942.
V, ArmeeKorps,
Obergefreiter Richard Gambietz Ritterkreuztrager. Stabskompanie Schutzen Regiment 93. Russia 1942
Ritterkreuztrager is Ri_char_d Gambietz (Ritterkreuz am 28.04.1943 als Obergefreiter und Gruppenfuhhrer in der 1. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 87 mot.; gefallen am 13.07.1943 Ostfront, Unternehmen Zitadelle).
German Luftwaffe Me109 fighter plane ace Werner Molders. In winter jacket beside his Messerschmitt Bf 109 France 1940
Former Head of German Air force. Hermann Goering. Nuremberg Trial 1946
Former Head of German Air force. Hermann Goering. Nuremberg Trial 1946
SS General Max Simon surrendering to American 101st Airborne Division General Maxwell D. Taylor, Schwendt Austria 1945
The other SS officer, with German Cross in Gold, is Simon_qt_s Chief of Staff, Ekkehard Albert.
MAJ.GEN MAXWELL d. TAYLOR, cg, 101st airborne division, and maj.Gen. Simon, 13th SS corps, complete the surrender of remaining ss troops in
Schwendt area, Austria. xxi corps, us seventh army, 5/9/45
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
SS General Max Simon surrendering to American 101st Airborne Division General Maxwell D. Taylor, Schwendt Austria 1945
The other SS officer, with German Cross in Gold, is Simon_qt_s Chief of Staff, Ekkehard Albert.
MAJ.GEN MAXWELL d. TAYLOR, cg, 101st airborne division, and maj.Gen. Simon, 13th SS corps, complete the surrender of remaining ss troops in
Schwendt area, Austria. xxi corps, us seventh army, 5/9/45
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
Luftwaffe, Knights Cross, Winner, RKT, Fighter, Ace, Russian, winter, fur, coat, fighter, airfield, France, 1943, Ritterkreuztrager
Knights Cross Winner RKT Ritterkreuztrager with radio operator FUNK and combat soldiers, forest Russia 1942