Agios Mina Cathedral, Iraklio Crete 1941 during German Occupation
Potsdam Palace near Berlin 1940, Orangerieschloss, Neue Orangerie
Potsdam Palace near Berlin 1940, Orangerieschloss, Neue Orangerie
View from the window of Adolf Hitlers Eagles Nest May 1945
Destruction after Allied Air Attack on Sonnenblumenstraße München 1942
Alte Wache in Berlin 1941. Luftwaffe airforce Honour Guard.
Villagers on the Island of Crete 1941 during German Occupation
First American Soldiers Capturing Hitlers Eagles Nest May 1945.
German wehrmacht parking lot in middle of captured Charkow / Kharkiv, Ukraine 1942.
Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring inspecting FLAK Anti-aircraft battery in Croatia 1943.
Dead Russian Soldier beside 45mm M.1932 Anti-tank Gun. Dubno. Battle of Brodny 1941. 9. Infantry Division
Photographer officer Bohme from the 57. infantry regiment. 9. Infantry Division.
Farming children in Poltava Ukraine 1941, Wearing traditional local costume.
Officer Photographer Bohme belonging to the 57. Infantry Regiment, 9. Infantry Division.
Farming children in Lviv Ukraine 1941, Wearing traditional local costume.
Officer Photographer Bohme belonging to the 57. Infantry Regiment, 9. Infantry Division.
Captured Soviet Russian Soldiers POWs, Kiew Ukraine 1941.
Photographer officer Bohme from the 57. infantry regiment. 9. Infantry Division.
Chateau de la Mercery, Magnac-Lavalette-Villars France 1940. German soldiers with iron cross medal
Photographer officer Bohme from the 57. infantry regiment. 9. Infantry Division.