BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Frauenbilder der NS-Zeit: Farbfotografien von 1937 bis 1945
Over 750 original color photos !!
Ulrich Vogt + Ian Spring + David Williams
Two young German women in colorful Dirndl dress and summer dress. Lake Park in Leipzig Germany. Summer 1940
Cathedral of Smolensk, Russia 1942. Luftlotte 2. Headquarters.
Cathedral of Smolensk, near the river Dnepr, Russia 1943
Luftlotte 2 Major Heinrich Bindewald
German soldiers with NSU motorbike with side car. Niederaussem Von-Galen Weg, Germany 1940
John Baptist church
German soldiers with NSU motorbike with side car. Niederaussem Von-Galen Weg, Germany 1940
John Baptist church
Leipzig Volkerschlachtdenkmal, Battle of Nations Monument Germany 1938 color agfacolor
GIs of the 101st Cavalry Regiment in Ruhpolding Bavaria 1945 with captured sand camo Stoewer Typ 40
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
26th Panzer Divisions Nachrichten Abteilung Italy 1944 Volkswagen Kubelwagen Rome Anzio tropical camouflage
Mechanized troops of the 101st Cavalry Regiment capture Willy Messerschmitt family house in Murnau Bavaria 1945.
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
US M8 Greyhound Armoured Car Chattanooga prepare outside Bad Tolz 1945. 101st Cavalry Regiment
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
German Wehrmacht training with PAK 7.5cm leichtes Infanteriegeschutz 18 cannon gun. 1939. 14th infantry division
German Wehrmacht training with PAK-36 cannon gun. 1939. 14th infantry division.
German NSU Kettenkrad half track motorbike of the 19th Panzer Division. Radio cable version with trolley. Russia 1942
Crashed Russian MIG3 high altitude interceptor. Jelnja, June, Smolensk Oblast. 1942. 19th Panzer Division.
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
Japanese Kawasaki Ki 61 Hien Luzon 1945
Digital WW2 color military photo Image Japanese Kawasaki Ki 61 Hien Luzon 1945
Cover, Photoblatter 1943, March, April, Agfa Photo Magazine, Reuter, Hans,
Photographic Hobby Magazine.
War Time Propaganda. German.
Cover of Photoblatter 1943 January, February, Agfa Photo Magazine, Reuter,Hans,
German mountain troops in snow
Cover, Photoblatter 1942 September, October, Agfa Photo Magazine, Reuter,Hans,
Farming women with horse. Bavaria,
Cover of Photoblatter 1942 November, December, Agfa Photo Magazine, Reuter,Hans,
Beautiful young women reading book in traditional costume