Ruins of the badly damaged Druselturm Tower in the old city centre of Kassel Germany. September 1944
Destroyed / Bombed ruins of Kassel in Hessen Germany June 1944. Church St Martin, Martinskirche
Denkmal Landgraf Philipp des Grossmutigen
Destroyed / Bombed ruins of Kassel in Hessen Germany June 1944. Church St Martin, Martinskirche
Denkmal Landgraf Philipp des Grossmutigen
Bombed houses on Burg Strasse in Leipzig 1946. Showing the Thomaskirche in background.
Badly damaged Frauentorturm and city wall stadtmauer, Nuremberg Germany 1945. 101st Cavalry Regiment
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg