Austrian Luftwaffe pilot wedding day family group Vienna Austria Wien 1941 Hitler mustache apartment vinyl player
inner courtyard of the Rossau barracks in Vienna, Austria 1943
Local people gathering in front of a building welcoming the Wehrmacht in Bozen, Italy, 1940
Southern hall of the technical fair in Vienna, Austria 1943
Burgermeister Mayor of Leoben Austria, Standartenfuhrer Anton Wolfbauer LEFT Hitler Himmler Train visit 1938
Hitler Himmler train Leoben Austria 1938 visiting mines heavy industry ss bodyguard
Leoben Austria 1938 Hitler Himmler train visit industry and mines SA SS Wehrmacht parade rally helmet flags
Leoben Austria 1938 Construction site workers factory industry mine Hitler Himmler train visit
Hitler Himmler train visit to Leoben Austria 1938 visiting mines and local industry, SS body guard fuhrer train.
Sankt Gilgen Gasthof zur Post 1941 Austria hotel art work
Arnau market place, Czechoslovakia 1941
with german war propanda poster