American GMC Jimmy cargo trucks parked outside a blown up Japanese government building. Naha Okinawa 1945
American MP Military Police doing traffic duty beside the Church of St. Maria Magdalena Geldern September 1944
American MP Military Police doing traffic duty beside the Church of St. Maria Magdalena Geldern September 1944
A old grandad standing proudly in his garden beside his DKW F5 Reichsklasse car. Germany 1937.
US M8 Greyhound Armoured Car crash out side of Bad Tolz Bavaria 1945. 101st Cavalry Regiment
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
Destroyed American High Commissioner_qt_s Residence at the Dewey Boulevard in Manila, Philippines 1945
It´s the building where the trial of Yamashita took place, who was accused of committing war crimes.
The car on the right is a Plymouth P15, the one on the left a Willys MB
Rome Italy 1942. ST Peter_qt_s Basilica Petersdom Vatican City beside river Tiber
German staff car Stoewer Typ 40 beside burned out village. 19th Panzer Divison. Charkow 1943
American airforce officers eat K rations beside 1942 Dodge WC-51 3/4 ton Weapons Carrier, France 1944.
14th Panzer Division moves through Lublin Poland 1940. Al. Racławickie 14 Street. John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Destroyed French Staff Car beside Soldiers Grave, France 1940.
GIs of the 101st Cavalry Regiment in Ruhpolding Bavaria 1945 smoking, standing beside German Wehrmacht officers.
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
US M8 Greyhound Armoured Car Chattanooga prepare outside Rosenheim 1945. 101st Cavalry Regiment
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
soldiers of the 14th Panzer Division resting beside road, Russia 1941
BMW R75 Motorbike with sidecar, 3.7cm PaK cannon
Erwin Rommel standing beside Horch 901 Staff car after Propaganda Film Interview, Tunisia. 1942. General Staff.
German soldiers taking smoking break beside staff car, Meissen Division, 94.Inf. Div, Swords, Lutsk, Ukraine. 1941.
Opel Admiral Cabriolet, Staff car, Picnic beside school, Ustiluh, Ukraine, Summer 1941, 94. Infantry Division, Meissen,
German army driver resting beside Mercedes Staff car on Dusty Russian Roads. Summer 1941. 4th Panzer Division.
driver cleaning staff car, Russia 1941. mercedes. 4th Panzer, Division.
Colonel-General Heinz Guderian with Horch Kfz. 21 Staff Car, Beresina August 1941, 3rd Panzer Division.
Operation Barbarossa, 1st Battery, 75th Panzer Artillery Reg, 3rd Panzer Division. Beresina August 1941.
Horch 901, Medium staff car,
BMW R75 motorcycle with sidecar
Beginning in 1940, Horch made about 50 to 100 schwere geländegängige Personenkraftwagen (6-sitzig) (Kfz. 21)
The car body’s were made by Gläser
Some of these vehicles were partly armoured.
designated as commander’s cabriolet
Colonel-General Heinz Guderian.
Captured Russian Artillery Cannon beside Ustiluh, Ukraine, 1941, 94. Infantry Division, Staff car,
Russian howitzer 152mm m1937 ML-20,
Opel Admiral cabriolet,