destroyed buildings in Minsk, Belarus, Russia 1941
by Franz Krieger
destroyed buildings in Minsk, Belarus, Russia 1941
by Franz Krieger
destroyed buildings in Minsk, Belarus, Russia 1941
by Franz Krieger
destroyed buildings in Minsk, Belarus, Russia 1941
by Franz Krieger
Advance on the N36 in Maubert-Fontaine, France 1940
Advance on the N36 in Maubert-Fontaine, France 1940
Advance on the Route de Charleville, France 1940
Pontoon bridge Crossing over the river Maas in Monthermé, France 1940
St. Charles Borromeo church at Vienna Central Cemetery, Austria 1939
Girl at the Gottfried von Preyer tomb at the Vienna Central Cemetery, Austria 1939
Girl at the Hugo Wolf tomb at the Vienna Central Cemetery, Austria 1939
Girl at the Franz Schubert tomb at the Vienna Central Cemetery, Austria 1939
Girl at the Ludwig van Beethoven tomb at the Vienna Central Cemetery, Austria 1939
Girl at the Franz von Suppé tomb at the Vienna Central Cemetery, Austria 1939
Makeshift-bridge near Kalach at the Don, Russia ~1941
by Kriegsberichter Franz Krieger
Makeshift-bridge near Kalach at the Don, Russia ~1941
by Kriegsberichter Franz Krieger
Makeshift-bridge near Kalach at the Don, Russia ~1941
by Kriegsberichter Franz Krieger
Makeshift-bridge near Kalach at the Don, Russia ~1941
by Kriegsberichter Franz Krieger
Wehrmacht officers in Zakopane, Poland 1940
The sign reads "Deutlschland siegt an allen Fronten" ("Germany wins on all fronts") in german and polish