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2 American air force captains with Cine Kodak Eight Model 60 8mm home movie camera, Tripoli Libya 1945
2 American air force captains with Cine Kodak Eight Model 60 8mm home movie camera, Tripoli Libya 1945

2 American air force captains with Cine Kodak Eight Model 60 8mm home movie camera, Tripoli Libya 1945

at the river Rhine in Cologne, Germany 1944
at the river Rhine in Cologne, Germany 1944

at the river Rhine in Cologne, Germany 1944
by Franz Krieger

Loading a ship in the Oslo harbour, Norway 1940
Loading a ship in the Oslo harbour, Norway 1940

Loading a ship in the Oslo harbour, Norway 1940

River Rhine in Cologne, Germany 1944
River Rhine in Cologne, Germany 1944

River Rhine in Cologne, Germany 1944
right: the damaged St. Martin church
by Franz Krieger