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German Wehrmacht Beutepanzer T34 being repaired and repainted with Balkan cross. Stalingrad area 1942. Destroyed Russian Soviet Heavy Tank KV-1. Stalingrad area Russia 1942. Inspected by  297 Infantry Division Destroyed Russian heavy army train. Stalingrad area. Inspected by troops of 297 Infantry Division. Russia 1942 Captured destroyed Russian T28 medium tank near outskirts of Stalingrad Russia 1942. 297 Infantry Division Minister of Hungarian Defense Lajos Csatay inspecting Hungarian Infantry in Budapest Hungary 1943 Generalfeldmarschalls Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel inspecting ruins in Athens Greece 1941 German Wehrmacht army officer. Army Justice Inspector. Germany 1940 Heeresjustizinspektor Cover of  Photoblatter 1942 May June, Agfa Photo Magazine, Reuter,Hans, Generaloberst Adolf Strauss and Generaloberst Richard Ruoff inspecting Infantry and Artillery officers. Ukraine 1942 Commanders Horch 901 of Generaloberst Richard Ruoff inspecting captured Russian bunker trench. Ukraine 1942 Paratroopers of the 139th Airborne Engineer Battalion inspect a captured German Ju 52 Junkers Transport plane Germany 1945 American USAAF pilots inspecting the ruins of the Mosaiksaal Neue Reichskanzlei Berlin 1946 German Luftwaffe soldiers inspect destroyed Russian army truck on the outside of Minsk June 1941. Kessel. American Gi soldiers inspect a crashed American bomber aircraft near Worms Germany 1945. Near Rhine American civilians inspecting a German V2 long-range guided ballistic missile in Washington DC. USA 1946. German officer arrives in a British 1935 Rolls-Royce Phantom II to Inspect Austrian mountain troops. Vienna Austria 1939 American Cameraman with pipe and 16mm film camera inspects a captured Artillery Bunker. Normandy D-Day plus 10 Captured Russian Soviet T34 tank in Dubno Lutsk Brody, Ukraine 1941. Inspected by German Luftwaffe ground troops. Belgium Fort Eben Emael 4.9. 1940. German soldier inspecting captured Fortification. Cupola 120 A captured Soviet Russian KV 2 Bunker Buster Heavy Assault Tank. Russian Front 1941. Being inspected by German soldiers.